The procedure for registering economic operators that introduce on the national market sustainable reusable alternatives or that do not contain plastic to single-use plastic products, PET bottles that contain recycled plastic and recycled plastic to be incorporated into PET bottles

Official newsletter of Legally Binding – law firm

In the Official Gazette no. 860 of September 25, 2023, the Order of the Minister of the Environment and the Minister of the Economy no. 2002/353, approving the Procedure for the registration of economic operators introducing on the national market sustainable reusable or plastic-free alternatives to single-use plastic products, PET bottles containing recycled plastic and recycled plastic to be incorporated into bottles PET (hereinafter referred to as the “Order” or the “Procedure” for short).

Procedure for registration of economic operators introducing sustainable reusable or plastic-free alternatives to single-use plastic products, PET bottles containing recycled plastic and recycled plastic to be incorporated into PET bottles on the national market


The procedure was published after 12 months from the entry into force of Government Ordinance 6/2021, regarding the reduction of the impact of certain plastic products on the environment, as mentioned in Article 4, paragraph 8 of this normative act. It applies to economic operators introducing into the national market: a) Sustainable reusable alternatives or alternatives that do not contain plastic to single-use plastic products listed in Part A of the annex to Government Ordinance 6/2021 (e.g., beverage cups, including their lids, food containers, such as boxes with or without lids, used to contain food products intended for immediate consumption, either on-site, as take-out, or typically consumed directly from the container, single-use plastic products ready for consumption without requiring additional preparation, such as cooking, boiling, or heating, including food containers used for fast-food menus or other menus ready for immediate consumption, excluding beverage containers, plates, packages, and flexible material sheets containing food products); b) PET bottles containing recycled plastic; c) Recycled plastic to be incorporated into PET bottles. The aforementioned economic operators must register with the Environmental Fund Administration within 60 days from the effective date of the Order or within 60 days from the date of the first introduction of one of the products mentioned above in parentheses, as applicable. The Environmental Fund Administration establishes a national electronic register of economic operators introducing sustainable or plastic-free alternatives to single-use plastic products, PET bottles containing recycled plastic, and recycled plastic for incorporation into PET bottles (hereinafter referred to as the “AFM-APR Register”). The registration request for the AFM-APR Register is submitted through the e-tax platform managed by the Environmental Fund Administration, after the submission and approval of the enrollment request in the “Online Declaration Submission” service, in accordance with the provisions of Ministerial Order No. 572/2019 for submitting declarations on environmental obligations through electronic means of remote transmission. After receiving the enrollment confirmation in the e-tax platform, economic operators can join the AFM-APR Register by submitting the registration request, which constitutes Annex 1 to the Procedure. Please note that in the registration request, you will need to insert the number from the Union Register of Technologies, Recyclers, Recycling Processes, Recycling Systems, and Decontamination Facilities, provided for by EU Regulation No. 1616/2022[1]. If you have not obtained such a number by the date of completing the registration request in the AFM-APR Register, it will be necessary to insert the registration number of the notification/application from the Ministry of Health. [1] To be completed only by those economic operators whose activities fall under the provisions of EU Regulation 1616/2022. The resolution of the registration request in the AFM-APR Register will be communicated to the economic operator by email, at the email address specified in the request, within a maximum of 15 working days from the date of submission on the e-tax platform. If the terms or conditions in the registration request or attached documents change, the economic operator is obliged to inform the AFM within 20 working days of the occurrence of the change, exclusively by completing the corresponding sections of the modifications. Otherwise, the economic operator will no longer appear in the AFM-APR Register. The validity period of the registration in the AFM-APR Register cannot exceed the validity period of the documents that formed the basis for the approval of the registration request (i.e., notarial authorization, registration certificate issued by the National Trade Register Office or registration certificate in the Register of Associations and Foundations), although the poorly formulated provision likely refers more to the validity of the entries in the ONRC registration certificate or the registration certificate in the Register of Associations and Foundations and the validity of the granted authorization.

If you encounter difficulties in assessing the impact of the above-mentioned normative provisions on your activity, we are at your disposal for support and advice.


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Dna. avocat Denisa Benga detine o expertiza vasta de mai bine de 12 ani in
domeniul specializat al gestionarii deșeurilor, un domeniu de nisa, care a
evoluat semnificativ in ultimii ani, odata cu extinderea si severizarea cadrului
normativ la nivel European, transpus in mare parte si la nivel national. Complexitatea domeniului protectiei mediului, cu precadere al celui privind gestionarea deseurilor (ambalaje, echipamante electrice si electronice, baterii, textile, depozite de deseuri, procese de colectare, reciclare si valorificare, implementareproceduri la nivel de autoritati publice locale) si permanenta inovare a companiilor pentru identificarea celor mai eficiente solutii care sa sprijine implementarea etapizata si ambitioasa aprincipiilor economiei circulare la nivel european determina implicit pentru acestea o permanenta expunere la riscuri sanctionatorii, in cadrul demersurilor strategice proprii de conformare cu obligatiilede mediu, din care decurg atat implicatii de natura contenciosului administrativ, cat si de natura fiscala- parte din obligatiile de mediu generand sanctiuni semnificative, supuse unui cadru de reglementare care urmeaza regimul juridic reglementat de Codul de procedura fiscala.
Dna Denisa Benga este recunoscuta in domeniul consultantei de mediu nu numai pentru solutiile „out of the box” oferite clientilor in situatii complexe, dar si pentru solutiile favorabile obtinute in litigiile administrative si fiscale cu autoritatile publice de mediu si fiscale, care au condus la modificarea practicii si legislatiei de mediu si fiscale si pentru activitatea sustinuta pe plan legislativ, privind demersuri de „lege ferenda” soldate cu succes, in sensul armonizarii cadrului legislativ national cu cel european in domeniul gestionarii deseurilor.

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